Friday, March 28th, 2025

Stones can be done by eating Makhana daily, Dr. Vikram Sabharwal revealed, many are side effects

Makhane is considered superfood and is often eaten as a healthy snack. It is rich in protein, fiber and antioxidants, which is considered beneficial for weight loss, heart health and diabetes. But do you know that excessive intake of makhanas can be overshadowed by your health?

Doctor Vikram Sabharwal (RefereeAccording to) some people may be allergic to makhanas, which may cause skin reaction, stomach problems and difficulties in breathing. In addition, high amounts of calcium and oxalats present in it can cause stones in the kidney (kidney). Therefore, if you are consuming makhanas daily, then you must know about its possible loss.

Let us know what side effects can be caused by excessive intake of makhanas and which people should reduce its intake. (Photo Credit): ISTOCK

Can Makhana be allergic?

Although Makhane is considered a safe and healthy food, some people may be allergic to it. Allergy symptoms Can range from mild to serious, including:

Skin reaction: itching, rashes and rash

Breathing difficulty: nose closure, sneezing

Abdominal problem: indigestion, gas and abdominal pain

If you feel symptoms of allergy after eating makhane, contact the doctor immediately.

Can Makhane cause kidney stones?

Can Makhane cause kidney stones?

Makhanas have high oxalate and calcium content, which can increase the problem of kidney stone (kidney stones). Those who are already troubled by kidney stone should not consume too much of makhanas. Research According to the unbalanced intake of oxalate and calcium can accelerate the process of crystal formation in the kidney, which increases the chances of stones. If you have any problem related to kidney, then consume makhanas only after consulting a doctor and drink more water.

Can makhana be allergic or stones

Eating more can lead to digestion issue

Eating more can lead to digestion issue

Fiber in Makhana The amount of is high, which is good for digestion. But if you eat it more, it can be overwhelming on the digestive system and can cause problems like constipation, gas and blotting, abdominal pain. Therefore, if you are eating makhana for the first time, then gradually increase its quantity and avoid eating more quantity.

Can diabetes patients suffer harm?

Can diabetes patients suffer harm?

Makhane is a low-glosemic index (low-Gi) food, that is, they do not increase blood sugar rapidly. But if you eat them in large quantities, then they can affect sugar level. Diabetes patients should eat roasted or without salt and avoid consuming more quantities.

Weight lossers should also take care of it!

Weight lossers should also take care of it!

Makhane is considered a healthy snack, but if you eat more by adding ghee or salt, it can cause weight gain. Actually, if you eat it in excessive amounts, then it causes more calorie intake and can increase weight. Eating a fist (20-25 grams) Makhana throughout the day is considered right for weight loss.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact.

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