Saturday, March 15th, 2025

So due to mummies, the brain gets old quickly, do brain power boost with 4 foods, scientists also believe in powerful

Do you know if your brain is getting old quickly, then your mother’s fault can be in it? Now you will wonder how this is a strange logic. As strange to read this thing, but some similar results have been revealed in a recent study. A new study states that the mother’s X chromosome may be responsible for rapid aging of the brain.

According to studyThe X chromosome from the mother from the mother may be responsible for brain aging, which may potentially increase the risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. The X chromosome has long been associated with brain health. Many intellectual diebalities originate from mutation in the genes located on the X chromosome. The scientist suspects that the X chromosome plays a role in the sensitivity of neurodynative disease such as memory, learning and Alzheimer’s.

Brain aging means brain aging causes problems in memory, thinking, and everyday work. At the same time, there is a problem in Alzheimer’s decrease in memory, not being able to remember new things, having trouble expressing thoughts, problems in doing daily work or not remembering things. However, healthy lifestyle, catering, exercise and mental can prevent the aging of the brain from being engaged.


Healthy diet to boost brain power

According to the study, it is necessary to boost healthy diet brain health. If your diet is noticed and exercised, the damage caused by brain aging can be avoided.

Superfoods for brain

Superfoods for brain

A report by National Institute on aging (RefereeAccording to) There is evidence that some types of diets can help keep your brain healthy, reduce the risk of cognitive function and Alzheimer’s. Such as Mediterranean diet and mind diet.

What is Mediterranean Diet?

What is Mediterranean Diet?

According to the report, some studies have shown that people eat meditrarenian diet, they have a low risk of developing dementia. Mediterranean diet emphasizes untouched fat and small amounts of red meats, eggs and sweets such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish and other seafood, olive oil.

What is mind diet?

What is mind diet?

Mind Diet is a combination of Mediterinian and Dash (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). In some studies, the mind diet has also been linked to the low risk of Alzheimer’s and a slow rate of cognitive decline.

Mind diet, like meditrenian diet, includes vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, berries, whole grains, legumes, beans, one or more weekly doses of fish and olive oil. It also limits red meat, sweets, cheese, butter/margarine, and fast/fried food.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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