Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

90 percent people would not know the special way to store curry leaves, there is no need of even a fridge.

Curry leaves, also known as sweet neem. Which gives a different flavor when used in any dish. That’s why people like to add curry leaves to coconut chutney for idli and to fry rice. Some people like sweet neem so much that they start using it like coriander. Now it is not possible to get fresh curry leaves all the time.

Often, after bringing sweet neem from the market, the leaves start rotting within a few days. The reason for this is not storing the curry leaves properly. In such a situation, we are telling you some tricks for storing it which you might not know about. By trying these tricks, you will be able to enhance the taste of your food with the sweet neem flavor for a long time.

store in oil

To store sweet neem for months You can use oil. For this, wash the curry leaves and dry them thoroughly. Now add some oil and fry. Actually, due to oil present in the leaves, they neither dry nor rot. In this way you can store them and keep them.

Prepare curry powder

Prepare curry powder

You can buy sweet neem leaves once and prepare the powder for use throughout the year. You buy curry leaves in large quantities. Now wash, dry and grind the leaves thoroughly. With this, curry leaf powder will be ready. Now you can use this powder anytime.

dry in the sun

dry in the sun

You can dry sweet neem leaves and store them for 6 to 12 months. For this, the leaves will have to be dried thoroughly after washing. If there is any problem in drying then you can use the microwave. However, keep in mind that the leaves should not burn. You can keep these dry leaves in a box.

Use tissue paper

Use tissue paper

To store curry leaves, keeping them in an airtight container is considered the best option. But tissue paper should be used for this. Actually thin paper absorbs all types of moisture. Due to which the risk of leaves rotting is reduced, and they also remain fresh for a long time.

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