8 things that if eaten in excess causes diabetes, there is no cure for this disease, yet people are knowingly eating it happily

What you eat has a profound effect on your health. Bad eating habits can lead to serious diseases like diabetes. There are certain foods that if consumed in excess can increase blood sugar levels, cause insulin resistance and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious problem which has no permanent cure, it can only be controlled through better diet and exercise. The foods you consume daily increase the risk of getting diabetes. Priyanshi Bhatnagar, Founder and Holistic Nutritionist, Detoxpri I am telling you about some such things.

Sugary drinks and juices

Sodas, sweetened juices, and energy drinks are high in refined sugars that can quickly spike blood glucose. Consuming them regularly can lead to problems like insulin resistance and weight gain, which increase the risk of diabetes.

White Bread

White Bread

White bread and pastries also increase the risk of diabetes. White bread, pastries and cakes are made from refined flour which has a very high glycemic index. Consuming them increases blood sugar levels rapidly. Excessive consumption of these foods can cause insulin resistance.

Fried items

Fried items

Fried foods like samosas, jalebis and fried chicken are high in unhealthy fats. This can lead to inflammation, increased cholesterol levels and insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes.

What diabetes patients should eat and when, watch the video from the expert

Processed Meats

Processed Meats

Processed meats such as sausages, hot dogs and deli meats are high in preservatives, salt and unhealthy fats. Consuming them in large quantities has a negative impact on metabolism and inflammation, which can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

white rice

white rice

Polishing white rice removes the fiber, vitamins and minerals present in it, making it a high glycemic food. Consuming it regularly in excess can lead to imbalance in blood sugar levels and increase the risk of diabetes.

Candy and Chocolate

Candy and Chocolate

Candy, chocolate, and sweets are concentrated sources of sugar that can cause an immediate spike in glucose levels. Consuming them regularly in excess can lead to problems like insulin resistance and weight gain.

Dairy foods high in saturated fat

Dairy foods high in saturated fat

Although dairy products are considered part of a healthy diet, full-fat versions of milk, cheese, and cream are high in saturated fats that can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, both of which increase the risk of diabetes.

Potato chips and packaged snacks

Potato chips and packaged snacks

Potato chips and other packaged snacks are high in refined carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and salt. Consuming these snacks in large quantities can lead to weight gain and have a negative impact on blood sugar control.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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