Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

7 panacea solutions to reduce the flabby belly, without gym you will lose 10 to 12 Kg, the fat of the whole body will burn.

If you think that you can become slim just by going to the gym, then you are doing great injustice to yourself. Because most people’s plans of going to the gym are not fulfilled and their weight remains the same. Many people also adopt massage technique to press the stomach. But gradually the stomach comes out and the drum becomes visible. This not only spoils the personality but can also cause fatal diseases. The World Health Organization considers obesity to be a risk factor for cancer.

Weight loss can be done without stepping into the gym. Stamina can be improved, facial fat starts disappearing, arms and thighs start becoming thinner and waist size also starts decreasing. Due to weight loss, the face becomes brighter and the brain starts working more than before. Gym trainer Nitesh Soni himself has told about this panacea for reducing 10 to 12 kg fat.

weight loss There is no better solution than exercise. The gym trainer has given the names of 7 exercises to be done at home. This home workout has the power to reduce fat in the entire body. Experts believe that with proper exercise, weight loss starts in just 15 days. These are cardio workouts, so the day also starts becoming healthy. Let us know which exercise should be done for how long.

How to lose weight of whole body?

jumping Jack

After waking up in the morning, do jumping jacks 100 times. it slimming the whole body It’s a great exercise. Heart function starts improving and stamina increases. Do this to strengthen hip muscles. The risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced.

arm walking

arm walking

If fat is hanging on your hands then definitely do this exercise. Doing 20 reps of arm walking daily results in fat loss. It tones the abdominal muscles and stretches all the muscles of the body. It is also great for body mobility.

butt kick

butt kick

This exercise reduces fat in legs and thighs. Practice butt kick about 100 times. The weakness of the lower body starts going away and the leg muscles become stronger. People who work sitting for many hours must practice this.

elbow to knee

elbow to knee

straight from elbow to knee target abdominal muscles Can do. Do a total of 100 reps in one set. In this, one has to touch the toes of the feet with the opposite hand one by one. With this, women can reduce belly fat and strengthen their shoulder muscles.

bring hands under thighs

bring hands under thighs

Do this exercise a total of 100 times. In this, one has to stand and lift one leg and touch both the hands below it. Then move the hands up and bring the legs down. Now lift the other leg and do the same.

toe touch stretch

toe touch stretch

Do this stretch about 50 times. It is very similar to Padahstan. By doing this, the muscles of the thighs, hamstrings, back and stomach get stretched. Flexibility increases and blood circulation improves.

spot sprint

spot sprint

There is no better exercise for burning calories than sprinting. It improves cardiovascular health. Do this at the end of your workout and try to go as fast as possible for as long as possible.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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