Monday, January 20th, 2025

5 things women have to hide to look beautiful

Everyone knows that women use beauty products to look more beautiful and follow a good skin care routine. But most of you may not be aware that these women also have to hide things to maintain their beauty.

Have to hide? You may also find it a bit strange to hear, but it is true. Girls have to work harder to hide those things which hinder their beauty than they do to look beautiful. What are those 5 things, let us know.

body hair

It is believed for women that they should take care of the cleanliness of their body. Especially when it comes to body hair, it is always expected from women that hair on their hands, legs and other parts of the body should not be visible.

This is the reason why people shrug when they see even a little hair on a woman’s hands. Therefore, to hide the hair of their underarms, girls wear full or half sleeves.

facial hair

facial hair

Both boys and girls have facial hair, but its growth is less in women. You must have also noticed that when girls start growing hair on their upper lip, their friends start making fun of them.

Although facial hair is common, women still have to get their lips done, face wax and threading done to hide them so that their face can look beautiful.

facial spots

facial spots

In the society, the beauty of women is measured more by their face than by their nature, hence if a woman has a blemish on her face, she makes it invisible by resorting to extra make-up. The same is done even if there are dark circles under the eyes. To maintain beauty and to live up to people’s expectations, even today many women cover their faces to hide blemishes.

Acne and Pimples

Acne and Pimples

Girls with clear and glassy skin are considered more beautiful than those women who have acne and lots of pimples on their face. This is considered a blemish on their beauty.

Therefore, many women use skin care products according to their skin type, adopt various home remedies and use makeup to hide them.

Keeps a curtain on increasing age

Keeps a curtain on increasing age

To keep themselves young and beautiful, women resort to anti-aging creams and Botox to reduce the slight wrinkles and fine lines on their faces. If they don’t do this, everyone starts taunting them for being old, even if they are 30-35 years old. Therefore, to maintain their beauty, they have to hide the signs of aging on their faces.

It is important for women to know this

It is important for women to know this

In today’s times, changes have started coming and women have tried to bring the things that were hidden openly in front of everyone. But there is a need to embrace this change even more.

It is very important for us women to know that we are beautiful just the way we are and there is no need to do other things to be beautiful for someone else. Be it facial hair or facial pimples.

All these are natural and you need to get used to them. Because if you consider these things as normal then the definition of beauty will change and the coming generations will not be under pressure to look beautiful.

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